Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 3 - Sunday...

I'm pleased to record that it turned out mild again today. Indeed, it's so mild that, as far as possible, we are sticking to shorts and t-shirts (apart from Jamie who we suspect will stick to skirts this week to complement his pink lipstick and cerise working gloves). What is cerise anyway? I'm fairly confident it must be some form of kevlar to give added protection to delicate hands, but was surprised that all the girls seem know about it.

It's bizzare to record, but already it feels as though we have been here for days (2 at least). Thankfully, Bex's substantial supply of illicitly purloined sick bags (yet another reason for the revenge of the cabin crew) held up until mid afternoon. From now on, however, I fear Moses will have to focus on cleaning a small panel of the bus more frequently than he would like.

It is wonderful to record that equal opportunities legislation has firmly arrived in Kampala. From now on, any poor soul suffering from low core body temperature and impaired hearing is amply catered for by the Kampala Pentecostal Church (KPC). One is assured of a warm, yea stiflingly hot welcome in KPC and the worship is conducted with such enthusiasm and volume that only the completely deaf could fail to be impressed. Actually, it was a wonderful time of fellowship and the preaching was both scriptural and challenging.

Due to time constraints, we had to travel directly from KPC to Lowero. I don't recommend consuiming a packed lunch on a coach driven at speed on Ugandan roads - it becomes unpacked rather quickly!

You may have heard of the work done by a lovely retired Ugandan couple called Sam & Mary Matumba. Together with their children, they have devoted themselves to caring for six local families who have suffered from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. On our last visit, we worked with two of these families to paint their houses (provided by FoL etc, working through Sam).

Sam had transported the children to his house to enable the team to spend time with them all and it was fantastic to see how the children have grown. Most of the afternoon was spent with the majority of the team singing, playing games and chatting with Sam's family and the children. It was humbling to see the joy and contentment in the lives of these young folk, especially considering many of them are HIV +ve. Thankfully, the ARV (anti retro virals) are provided free of charge and they generally enjoy a fairly good standard of health, boosted by the improved diet facilitated through the giving of Christians in N Ireland. I am continually struck by the enormity of the problems facing Africa, and can understand those who are tempted to write off the value of trying to make a small dent in such a huge problem. However, spending a short time with those whose lives have been completely transformed (physically, mentally and often spiritually) convinces me that making a positive impact on even one person's life is the most useful thing we can ever do.

As with all good stories (and although poorly written, this is a good story), there was a lovely twist to the afternoon. A few of the team, including McBlogger, had the rare and wonderful privilege of visiting Kiwoko hospital at Lowero. You should be able to find out about it using Google, but this hospital has strong remarkably strong links with Bangor and I have wanted to see it for myself for several years. What a place! Christ's love is shown on a daily basis to many sick folk in a professional and compassionate way. Please pray the for the continued funding and support to see this work grow in the coming years that his kingdom might be extended.

It is a measure of the quality and perception of the staff at Kiwoko that Rory Wilson (former Bangor GP and currently medical superintendent) had the presence of mind to move to Kampala for the weekend, only returning when he was sure we had left the hospital. Rory passed us by on the Lowero road some 1/2 hour after he had left....

Such is the enthusiasm for church, that the team agreed to be subjected to another hour of reflection, ably led by our resident pastor, Ivan the Terrible. Thankfully, our reflections were not terrible by any means...

I am now surrounded by a crowd of individuals who really should have had the forethought to shower after their day's exertions, so I will sign off now.

Never fear, I will return in due course,


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Days 1 & 2

It's hard to believe that the team has been on the go for nearly two days, but a quick look at the dwindling supplies of water and food rations confirms that the team is eating and drinking far more than is really good for a normal human being...

Day one started much like any other day - alarm at 4.00am, followed by light breakfast, dash to church, dash to Aldergrove, dash to check in, frantic dash to security, frantic frantic frantic negotiation with the delightful & friendly (sic) staff at security and a final marathon sprint to the gate. Alas...

We needn't have half killed ourselves, as the Lord had arranged for a 1 1/4 hour delay to take-off. Nonetheless, this wee respite allowed the older members of the team to catch what was left of their faltering breath.

Thankfully, the connecting flight in Amsterdam was held back for us, so we had an effortless and speedy transfer to the KLM flight to Entebbe. Primary occupations on the flight were watching films, eating, sleeping, watching films, eating, sleeping, watching... well, you get the picture...

We arrived happy, content and full of the joys at Entebbe, remembering to apply liberal quantities of deet before exiting the plane (I don't think Siobhan and Jess realised just how potent their sprays were, but it provided instant protection from mosquito bites for 280 passengers!). The light mood continued into the night for at least 8 1/2 minutes until the bags didn't appear...

Actually, I exaggerate slightly (actually, I always exaggerate slightly) - we were only missing 7 bags. I suspect this was a swiftly executed form of revenge by the cabin crew for the deet incident as Siobhan's bag has not been seen yet, some 24 hours later! (Update - 5 bags were retreived today (Saturday) and hopes are high for the last 2 arriving on Sunday (apart, possibly for Siobhan's bag - air hostesses have long memories and are slow to forgive - Maureen may have better 'luck')).

I'm glad to report that Moses (no, not that Moses) was there to meet us and safely transported us to our humble abode where we enjoyed yet more food (I see a theme emerging here....).

Today (Sat) has been both relatively relaxing and encouraging. After changing copious quantities of cash at the local shopping mall, we enjoyed coffee, cake, burgers, chips, buffalo wings and coke (I told you a theme was emerging). Suitably refreshed, we made our way to the orphanage referred to in an earlier post (below). Although Mama Flavia was not there at the time, we were made most welcome by the children, and McBlogger was particularly touched (some would say he's been somewhat 'touched' since birth) to find that a few of the children remembered him and others from the team in 2006. BTW, Noreen askes to be remembered to Chris Rose... It was wonderful to see the continued good spirits in these children, particularly their optimism for the future - remarkable considering their often traumatic past.

Team devotions this evening compared the confusion at Babel (Genesis) with the apostles speaking in tongues (Acts), and it was agreed that we wanted to be folks from Acts, where we could clearly share God's love with others.

Anyway, it's now late, so I'm signing off - hope for more tomorrow.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Team Muzungu flies again!


It's been a while since the Team Muzungu blogspot was active, but much like elderly cold war spies, it has been brought out of hibernation for just one more job!

I attach a recent picture of 006 1/2 to show that he is indeed a relic of past times... (please disregard the spinning bow tie and elderly wig)

Anyway, I hope this wee site will permit the team to keep folks back home up to date with how things are going. All being well, we will be in Uganda from Friday 27 June for a fortnight of (fairly) intense activity. Please remember us as we seek to share God's love with others.
